My name is Denise Brady, and I am the Parish Pastoral Council’s Christian Service Representative. As a young adult I became a Catholic through RCIA at my downriver neighborhood’s small parish, and it was a life-changing event. My husband John and I have
happily called St. Edith our other home for over 40 years. Throughout that time, I have been actively involved in many ministries including Christian Service, RCIA, Eucharistic Minister, Funeral Vigils, Wedding Coordination, Funeral Luncheons, Family Life, CCD, Alpha, and currently Holiday Outreach which I have chaired for many years. I like St Edith because I continue to feel
that my faith life is enriched and strengthened here and because of the many friendly, faith-filled parishioners who inspire me in new ways to be a more welcoming and caring person. The Parish Council members are just such people. I feel fortunate to be working with them as we strive together to find more ways to bring Christ’s ministry to our parish community and others.