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Welcome Visitors

Christian Service

Toni Sheffield, Director of Christian Services
(734) 464-1222, ext. 309

Do you enjoy volunteering, organizing and simply “getting involved?”  Then St. Edith Christian Service just may be the place for you!

We have Holiday Outreach three times a year; Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. We collect food for St Christine’s and Loaves and Fishes of SW Detroit for Thanksgiving, and we have a Christmas Giving Tree where we provide gifts through different organizations for children in need. We have Lenten Almsgiving where each weekend during Lent we collect items for different charities (a different charity each weekend). 

Do you like to crochet?  Then our Wednesday afternoon Mat Making Ministry may appeal to you!  These ladies crochet sleeping mats for the homeless, made out of “plarn” that is plastic yarn made from plastic bags! When they have a number of them finished, take them downtown so they can be distributed to those who need them. Even if you don’t know how to crochet you can join this group because the plastic for the plarn needs to be made from strips of plastic cut from the bags. All you need to know is how to use scissors! Contact Loraine Raniszewski 248-476-1433 at the end of the paragraph about the Mat Makers.

Volunteering is fun!  If you’d like to get involved in or have questions about anything Christian Service related please call Toni Sheffield – Christian Service Coordinator at (734) 464-1222 Extension 309 or email her at

Ways to Get Involved

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15089 Newburgh Rd, Livonia, MI 48154
Phone: (734) 464-1222

Mon-Fri All Church doors are locked at 8 pm


All Are Welcome!

Parish Office Hours:

Mon & Tues 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Wed & Thurs 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Closed for Lunch 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

All Are Welcome!
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