Mass Ministries
Eucharistic (Communion) Ministers
Contact: Parish Office (734) 464-1222,
EME's are certified lay ministers who serve in two capacities: they assist in distribution of the Eucharist during celebrations in Church, and/or take communion to the sick, elderly, and shut-ins of the community.
Contact: Linda Bodnar (734) 462-1289
The lectors are entrusted with proclaiming the Word at Mass and leading the Prayers of the Faithful. A Lector workbook, containing each week's readings, along with commentary to assist the lector's preparation, is provided. Occasionally lectors are called upon to read at other times, such as Reconciliation Services or Scripture Services.
Contact: Mike Magoulick (734) 464-1490
The men and women greet the congregation as they enter the church, assist in the seating of parish members, manage collections and oversee presentation of the gifts from the parish members to the altar, insure an orderly procession during communion, distribution of church papers following Mass and assist where needed during Mass.
Altar Servers
Contact: Zelma Isele (734) 664-7097
Servers are young people and adults who assist the presider at Mass in various ways.
Altar Serving Training:
Contact: Joe Rashid (248) 348-8381
Keep the vigil light burning at the tabernacle site in the church and chapel. clean candles and glasses used at the altar twice weekly. Launder the purificators, corporal, and towels weekly. Keep the servers' vestments in order. Launder priests' albs and some washable chasubles. Mending and sewing as needed. Replenish hosts and wine for Eucharistic celebrations. Assist the celebrant for Mass as needed. Coordinate and assist funeral Masses. Handle Holy Week preparations.