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Sacramental Preparation

Sacraments are most fully experienced when a person has had the opportunity to not only learn what they are all about and what each can offer us, but when a person has had the opportunity to experience the graces that flow from each one.  The aim of our sacramental programs at St. Edith, whether with second grade students preparing for first Reconciliation and Eucharist or adults in our Becoming Catholic-Open Arms journey is to do just that. 

Sacramental Preparation for Children & Teens

At St. Edith the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are received during the second grade after a period of preparation either in our St. Edith School, or Religious Education Program.  The sacrament of Confirmation is received in the eighth grade; being part of a two year program of preparation with initial introduction in the seventh grade and continued in the eighth.  More information on these programs can be found on our Religious Education page or our Confirmation Preparation page.

Children and teens who are past these grades and have not received these sacraments are most encouraged to do so!  Our Religious Formation and Youth Ministry team will help walk each young person from understanding what the sacrament is to receiving it!

For more information, contact Linda Kramer, Director of Religious Formation at (734) 464-2020 or

Sacramental Preparation for Adults

"I would have gotten to that, but we were just busy..."  

Family life gets busy and sometimes things we want to do just don't happen.  Perhaps you're a Catholic who, as you grew up, just did not celebrate the Sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation, or Confirmation.  Family schedules, moving.  It could be for a number of reasons, but maybe now is a good time to consider these and give us a call.  We can talk about it and come up with the best way for you to receive and experience these gifts of grace.  

Not a Catholic, but thinking about it?  

Perhaps our "Becoming Catholic" journey is for you!  It is both informational and experiential as we explore the basic beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Faith. Click here for more information.

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15089 Newburgh Rd, Livonia, MI 48154
Phone: (734) 464-1222

Mon-Fri All Church doors are locked at 8 pm


All Are Welcome!

Parish Office Hours:

Mon & Tues 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Wed & Thurs 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Closed for Lunch 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

All Are Welcome!
Archdiocese of DetroitUnited States Conference of Catholic BishopsThe Vatican