Contact Information:
Office -- -- (734)464-2020
Linda Kramer, Director -- -- (734)469-2965
Connie Fletcher -- -- (734)469-2987
Deb Strautz --
The goal of our Religious Formation Program is to provide an awareness of God’s presence in all children's lives and an appreciation, connectedness and better understanding of the Catholic faith and its traditions. We look forward each year as we partner with our parents helping all children in grades K-8, including those with special needs, further their understanding and practice of our Catholic Faith as they take another step closer in getting to "Know, Love & Serve" the Lord here at St. Edith!
K - 8th Grade Religious Education
Religious Education Registration 2024-2025 is closed.
Our dedicated team is passionate about working with children and helping them learn more about their Catholic faith. We aim to create an engaging and interactive learning environment where they can grow spiritually and develop a strong foundation for their future as active members of our Church community.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Religious Education Department by phone (734) 464-2020 or by email
Children Needing Sacraments
If a child needs sacraments, they are given an opportunity to study the Catholic Faith on their level. New this year, we are offering an Out of Step Sacrament (OOS) Prep class for students who are in grades 3 and up, who have not yet received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. They will attend additional classes to prepare for reception of these sacraments. See our Religious Education Registration Letter and Schedule for more information. Please contact us with any questions.
Volunteer Opportunity
At Pentecost, all who were in the room were filled with the Holy Spirit. They then went out into the streets, among the people from around the world who were gathered in Jerusalem, to spread and teach the Good News. This sharing of faith and the Good News is the work of a catechist. If you have ever considered sharing your faith with our young people and are willing to commit the time and energy to weekly classes by being a catechist or classroom aide. Please see our Volunteer Opportunity Form. Please contact Linda Kramer at or 734-464-2020. Being a catechist is a rewarding experience that not only teaches our young people but strengthens your relationship with Jesus at the same time!
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