Thinking of Becoming Catholic?
Are you a non-Catholic in one of our many St. Edith interfaith marriages? A baptized Catholic who has not received the remaining Sacraments? Do you know of a non-Catholic who has curiosities about the faith?
Please prayerfully consider Becoming Catholic. Click below to watch an overview of the OCIA program!
What is OCIA?
In the 60’s and early 70’s, the Church revised the process for bringing new people into the faith. The Church fathers took it back to the way it was in the early days of the Church. The process is now called THE ORDER OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (OCIA). OCIA is a program designed to help non-baptized, non-Catholics and non-practicing Catholics learn more about Catholicism through a series of classes, discussions, prayer times and ceremonies. This program helps people grow in faith and knowledge of God as they consider becoming Catholic. We are not here to “push, pull or prod” anyone into the Church but rather to stand beside. It is your journey and you determine when and/or if you are ready to proceed.
Who are welcome?
The simple answer is “all of us”. The primary focus is for any unbaptized person, any validly baptized Christian of another faith who is interested in full initiation in the Catholic Church, or any Catholic who has not received all the sacraments of Initiation (Confirmation, Eucharist). Additionally, anyone who just wants to learn more about their own faith is welcome to join us.
What commitment of time is involved?
Sessions are held on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 pm in the Fireside room of the Parish Office. We usually begin in early October and meet until 2-3 weeks after Easter, but this is an individual process based on your needs. In addition, beginning the first Sunday of Advent the group attends the 11 am Mass each week. See the schedule in the sidebar for detailed information. If these times are not possible, feel free to contact a team member for further information.
What is covered in the program?
During the process of OCIA, we will: meet together, answer questions, teach about the faith, pray together, get involved in the life of the community, provide service to others, explore the Scriptures and discuss our different understandings. At any time during the process, you may decide not to continue, or you may decide to take further steps to unite yourself with the Catholic faith. This is an invitation not a commitment.
What are the phases of OCIA?
There are four phases of the journey through OCIA:
- The Period of Inquiry where you are just checking it out to see if you really are interested.
- The Period of Catechumenate which is the time for study of the faith.
- The Period of Purification & Enlightenment during the Lenten season where there is intense internal evaluation and individual seeking of how sin affects your life and how the love of Jesus can change your heart.
- The Period of Mystagogia where you experience entry into the community and living life as an adopted child of God.
Click here for a full decsription of each phase.
How do you start?
First, prayerfully consider becoming Catholic. If you are interested, fill out the registration form in the sidebar or if you have more questions, feel free contact Deacon Don Esler at 734-464-1222 or Deacon Don will be happy to talk to you.
One Candidate's Testimonial
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Matthew Brandon's curiosity got the better of him and led him to investigate questions he had about the faith. |