Stations of the Cross
Every Friday @ 7:00 pm
St. Edith CYO Fish Fry
Every Friday during Lent 4:30-7:00 pm (Good Friday 3:30-7:00 pm)
Lenten Soup Supper
Soup served at 6:30 pm - Video at 7:00 pm - Discussion at 7:30 pm
- March 12th - Women of Faith Prayer Group - Led by Serena Billotto and Maureen Palmer
Soups: Potato Leek (V/GF) and Beef Vegetable Barley - March 19th - Fishers of Men Prayer Group - Led by Geoff Turbiak
Soups: Lemon Lentil (V/GF) and Italian Wedding Soup - March 26th - Stations of the Cross - Led by Deacon Don Esler
Soups: Cream of Mushroom (V) and Navy Bean & Ham (GF) - April 2nd - Eucharistic Adoration with Benediction - Led by Laurie Rizzolo
Disciples of Love Prayer Group - Led by Bill Harrison
Soups: Tomato Basil (V/GF) and Greek Lemon Rice - April 9th - Gospel of Life Rosary Group - Led by Sandra Rogala
Soups: French Onion (GF) and Broccoli Cheddar (V)
GF = Gluten Free V = Vegetarian
Purchase soup for home at $8/quart. Order on line.
Families of Parishes Lenten Activities
- Lenten Mission - Moving from Hurry & Worry to Connection with God - Guest Speaker Dr. Tim Hogan
- Reconciliation Services:
- Tuesday, April 8 @ 7:00 pm - Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church
- Saturday, April 12 @ 1:00 pm - St. Kenneth Catholic Church
Easter Bunny Lunch & Egg Hunt
April 12 @ 1:00 pm [Sign up ends April 5]
Lenten Almsgiving
This year for Lent we will be doing a special collection items (or in one case, money) for a different organization every weekend as our "Lenten Almsgiving Projects." You may choose to participate in as many of them as you would like. Below you will find a schedule of what will be collected each weekend. Every week there will be a bulletin article reminding your what will be collected for the following weekend, with a little bit of info on each organization we are helping.
- Week One - March 8 & 9 - Wee Care/RTL Baby Shower
...New or very gently used baby clothing, toys, and new diapers - Week Two - March 15 & 16 - Another Day Resource Center
...Backpack/Duffle bags, men's gloves, belts, and/or cleaning supplies. - Week Three - March 22 & 23 - Lighthouse Mission
...New white athletic socks, new or gently used hats and gloves, paper/disposable plates and paper/disposable bowls - Week Four - March 29 & 30 - Seedlings Braille Books for Children
...Monetary collection to help provide books for the blind children. The average cost to produce a book is $10. Checks should be made payable to "Seedlings." - Week Five - April 5 & 6 - Plymouth Foster Closet
...Girls crew socks (sizes medium-large), boys boxers or boxer briefs (all sizes), girls underpants (all sizes) - Week Six - April 12 & 13 - St. Christine's Pantry
...Non-perishable in-date foods of all kinds.
Holy Week Schedule
April 13 - Palm Sunday......Mass: Saturday 5:00 pm, Sunday 8:30 am & 11:00 am
April 17 - Holy Thursday...Mass: 7:00 pm Adoration follows
April 18 - Good Friday.......Stations 12:00 pm; Liturgy of the Word Service 1:00 pm
April 19 - Holy Saturday....Food Blessing 11:00 am; Vigil Service 7:00 pm
April 20 - Easter Sunday...Mass: 8:30 am, 11:00 am, & 12:30 pm
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